or the parable of the Angelus Novus
Faced with daily news about the extent of the man-made climate crisis, wars, and other threats to the societies of our planet, one might despair. However, 60 young people from Germany, France, Romania, Spain, Ukraine, and Bosnia and Herzegovina are doing something different:
Inspired by the thought world of Walter Benjamin, they dance powerfully for the future of our planet, for a humane society that embraces open and respectful interaction among different cultures, where everyone has their rights.
The development and premiere of the play took place in the summer of 2022 in the small mountain village of St. Chély d´Apcher. For the ninth time, young people and young adults from all over Europe and beyond came together for two weeks in the south of France as part of the PASSAGEN project series to experience community - in coexistence, conversations, and, above all, dance. The result is FRAGILE 2.0 - a visually stunning stage experience.
On May 27, 2023, at 6 pm, the German premiere will take place in Saarbrücken, Friedrichsthal, as part of the German-French festival Perspectives.
Tickets are available for purchase through Perspectives here:

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Describe your image
St. Chély d´Apcher
Two years after the last - digital - dance project, the next project with the same title and thematic focuses, but with some new elements, will finally take place.
The best news: The dance project will take place in-person and on-site, just like before. This summer, young people and young adults from different European countries will gather in St. Chély d´Apcher - a small mountain village at an altitude of about 1000 meters amidst a wild natural landscape on the edge of the Cevennes National Park in Occitania, France. For two weeks, we will dance, eat, experience nature, and enjoy being together - in short, live together.
The Corona pandemic, the Ukraine war, and the man-made climate crisis that continues to gain momentum are just a few relevant examples of how young people are becoming painfully aware that our blue planet and human coexistence on Earth is very fragile. This fragility of what was once perceived as safe forms the first dimension of this year's project.

there is an angel,
he stands there with his wings spread open
and looks with wide open eyes
on all that is destroyed
he wants to stay to help,
driven by the storm wind
into tomorrow
with his back to the future.
The wind is called progress.

The second content dimension of the project results from a small oil painting with the title "Angelus Novus" by Paul Klee and the corresponding mental picture of the philosopher Walter Benjamin. In this picture, the latter discovered the destructive downside of progress as early as 1939 and developed from it a critique of our way of life. This clever man and the oil drawing, as well as the image of the fragility of our earth, will inspire the content of the project.
Framed by the fragility and the (mental) image of the Angelus Novus, the participating young people will deal with six topics in terms of content and dance: With the state of the earth, capitalism, interpersonal relationships, the Angelus Novus and the European dominance culture, and also with the topic of sustainability. The choreography of the emerging dance theater piece becomes a personal uplifting of the young people, a political intervention and possibly also a resistance against their own powerlessness in the current times of crisis.
The state of the earth
Interpersonal Relations
Angelus novus
European Dominance Culture
Project led by Heiner Buchen
Artistic Direction: Hannah Chandra Mahler
Choreographers: Hannah Chandra Mahler, Bai Li Wiegmans, Safet Mistele, Anna Tafel, Chloé Lilla Bojoly
Dramaturgy: Hannah Chandra Mahler, Heiner Buchen
Music composer: Carsten Thiele
Visual arts: Timon Homberger
Vocals: Marianna Raffele
Light design and technician: Hannah Chandra Mahler
Videography: CJ Viñalon, Julian Bidot
Photography: CJ Viñalon, Hannah Pauly
Public relations: Mara-Michelle Wagner, Hannah Pauly, Nicolas Manstein, Julian Bidot, Sophie Yelda Siegwart
Pedagogical team: Heiner Buchen, Celeste Ciccolini, Daniela Ciccolini, Marianna Raffele, Lea Reiter, Esther Roca Vila, Nicolas Manstein, Nicole Oster, Hannah Pauly, Lucien Sanglier, Sophie Yelda Siegwart, Mara-Michelle Wagner,
International partners: Mino Cârnu, Jean-Luc Ferstler, Dženita Hasečić, Esther Roca Vila, Tarek Osmanagić