We readopt the piece Fragil
We take up again the project “Fragile – or the Parable of Angelus Novus”, which was developed last year in Saint-Chély-d'Apcher. This year the camp takes place between 18 May and 28 May in Friedrichsthal in Saarland at the Montessori Community School Saar under the patronage of Café Exodus Saarbrücken. Almost 60 participants from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Germany, France, Spain and Ukraine came together to develop the piece over the course of the ten days under the choreographic direction of Hannah Chandra Mahler and her team of international choreographers. The project is completed by the pedagogical team, the media team and the technical team.
On the school grounds we have set up a tent measuring 20x20 meters, in which rehearsals are held as well as in the school's own gym, while the rest of the school grounds offer space to relax. For example, football and basketball fields are located on the school grounds and in the so-called "Fachwerk" it is also possible to get close to various animals.

Our daily schedule is as follows:

Our day starts at 08.00am with breakfast together in a relaxed atmosphere and afterwards there are various conversations and exchanges between participants and members of the educational team to compare wishes and ideas.
Between 10am and half past, there are then joint team bonding measures and the warm-up, to be united and warmed up in the specific dance training goes.
Between 10.30 a.m. and 12.30 p.m. and 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. there are usually two blocks in which rehearsals take place, but also specific workshops are offered by our choreographers. The two blocks are separated by a half-hour break to strengthen themselves with small snacks.
Lunch and the subsequent lunch break between 3pm and 4pm offers young people a choice of meat, vegetarian or vegan food, so that everyone can find their own taste. From 4pm there is then the third dance block, which usually comprises two to three hours. After dinner, the day is completed between 8 pm and 9.30 pm with performances, content and dance workshops, while the rest of the evening is individually in the hands of the participants.
Also this year, the young dancers not only exerted themselves in the rehearsals, but were also challenged and encouraged in the workshops. Through various dance workshops the participants had the opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills in the individual dance styles. A film and poetry workshop also encouraged the creativity of young people and young adults.
For a better understanding of the piece itself, there were also content-related workshops. In these, themes such as Angelus Novus and capitalism were elaborated through small games and large discussion rounds. Both the philosophical ideas of Walter Benjamin and the popular interpretation of the Angelus Novus by Paul Klee were discussed.
Rehearsal and performance:
On Friday, the rehearsal awaits us, in which we will present the piece to the students and teachers of the Montessori School in our first rehearsal in the tent on the stage. The performance itself will also take place on Saturday evening at 6 pm in the school as part of the Perspectives Festival. Tickets are available here.